Things I Would Do if Fiction Were Real

(Because being impromptu is kinda fun. 'Specially when you got nothing else to do.)

1) Join the Air Force and work at the SGC.
2) Join Star Fleet.
3) Own a Zat Gun, a Hand Device and a Staff Weapon and have them on my person at all times.
4) Ghost Powers. I would so have ghost powers.
5) Go on missions with SG-Awesome.
6) Have Daniel teach me all the languages he knows.
7) Go shopping and clubbing with Vala.
8) Conner and Murphy MacManus would be my best friends. With benefits of course.
9) Solve cases with Neal and Peter. Or maybe just con people with Neal and Mozzie, cuz I have the perfect outfit for that.
10) Have a house on the planet in Space Race because that place is so freakin' cool.
11) Go to a hockey game with Jack and Teal'c.
12) Adopt baby Spock cuz he's so adorable!
13) Visit the Lair...even though I'm not a male or a vampire. I don't care.
14) Have Ba'al give me rides in his mothership.
15) Hijack Prometheus and use it for my own purposes.
16) Watch the science channel with Sam.
17) Watch Die Hard with Teal'c and Cam.
18) Marry Major Davis, cuz well he doesn't really have a choice. If he's real, he's mine. And so is all his cool swag.
19) Hang out with Shawn and Gus, like, all the time.
20) Tell the Asgard to fix my laptop. Cuz it's all their fault.
21) Throw a party, and invite everyone.
22) Go on a road trip with Sam, Vala, MSD, Cam, Jack, Daniel, Teal'c and Jonas.
23) Have Dr. Frasier and Bones have a competition to see who is in fact the better doctor.
24) Go to the tournaments in Camelot with Arthur and Lancelot and Leon and Merlin.
25)Not write fanfiction because, well, I wouldn't have to. I'd be living it.
26) Video tape JxD doing it. (And various others. They know who they are. *pointed glare*)
27) Go to Applebees with the gang!

I'll probably add to this as I see fit aka when I'm bored.


Anonymous said...

don't forget video tap jxd doing it

and could i have some swag toooo

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