Things I Hate About Slash--Part 3



Need I say more? Well, actually I probably should since I'm dedicating a whole blog post to it and all.

For those of you who are like "Mpreg...huh?", this is simply just short for Male Pregnancy. And yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. You have a slash pairing, and miraculously one of the guys gets pregnant and they have the kid like there's nothing wrong and go about their merry life.

There are a few different ways people go about doing this, well I suppose. I've only read one Mpreg fic in my life, and I just couldn't wrap my brain around it. The explanation for the pregnancy in that fic was that one of the guys was a hermaphrodite and yeah. You can guess the rest. Now, I don't know how that story ended...or let alone how he even had the baby...because after that I was immediately turned off.

For me, I just think it's unnatural. Not that I have anything against hermaphrodites or people who get sex changes from female to male but still keep all their lady parts just in case they want to have kids...but NONE of the characters in any of the fandoms that have Mpreg fics fall into either of those categories, so therefore it's majorly OOC. Not to would they squeeze a baby through that tiny little hole? Unless they...ugh. Ew. I don't want to think about it.

So, in conclusion, Mpreg=no. And this is coming from someone who reads and writes and promotes Incest between two Irish twins. I've read a lot of weird shit in my day, and I'll try anything once, but seriously people, the line has to be drawn somewhere.

Also, as a side note, if you ARE gunna write an Mpreg fic (why?????) make sure you specify that it is in fact Mpreg in the summary...or the warnings because, just like with specifying that it's a slash fic, your potential readers don't like to be tricked into reading something they don't like.

Sorry if I offended anyone...but the title of the post is Things I hate about Slash.

Catch You on the FlipSide!
