Intro-Why I love Slash.


So I'm guessing,(and I'm really just taking a shot in the dark here) that if you stumbled across this blog you're a fan of slash. Or maybe you're just procrastinating and started to Google random shit and this came up so you were like "Hey, why the Hell not?" (That's ok. We all do it.)

Either way, whether you're a veteran slasher who just wants to see what another one of their kind has to say on the subject or a newbie just wanting to test the slashy waters, you came to the right place. In this blog I will be discussing everything and anything that has to do with Slash (as said in the description over to your right).

Now, for those of you who don't know (and I'm talking to you, random Googlers...) Slash, as defined by, is a Genre of fanfiction involving pairing two male or female characters together; characters are commonly shown with a slash in between. And, yes, if you didn't already realize, that 'together' right there implies romantic involvement. Although it's called "slash" basically for the sole reason of the slash being in between the two characters names, it's not exclusive to same sex pairings. A slash is most commonly a symbol used to show pairings in general. But it was originally used to show the pairing Kirk/Spock, which was the founding pairing of all fanfiction, slash or otherwise.

Ok, so now that all that technical jazz is out of the way, I'd like to tell you all about how I got started in Slash and what (I think) qualifies me to act as sort of a guide and a critic of all things slashy.

It all began way back when I was but a lowly high school freshman. This was when I was first introduced to fanfiction for my favorite TV show at the time, Lost. When I first started out reading fics, all I read was het(male/female pairing), Jack and Kate het to be exact. And, as fans of Lost, especially Lost fanfiction know, there was an ongoing war between those who shipped Jack and Kate (or "Jaters") and those who preferred Kate and Sawyer ("Skaters").

Although I don't remember exactly how I made the switch from an avid het reader to a die-hard slasher, I think it was somewhere along the lines of this: Kate got more and more annoying as a character and I realized that I didn't want her to be with anyone. And, Jack and Sawyer were really hot so why shouldn't they be together? So, after a quick Google search I found a Jawyer Livejournal community, and I was hooked.

Now, yes, initially, I broke the cardinal rule of slashing: Putting two guys together based purely on looks with no real evidence to back it up. However, the more I read and the more I re-watched episodes, the more slash I saw, thus acquiring my very own pair of Slash Goggles. And there was no going back from there.

For awhile there, Jawyer was my OTP, but, as all obsessions soon do, my addiction to Lost eventually fizzled out. But my slasher days were far from being over.

After Jawyer came Briley (Ben and Riley from "National Treasure") and after Briley came my first journey into Real Person Slash (RPS) with David Cook and Michael Johns, otherwise know as Mavid, from the 7th season of American Idol.

Nowadays, I don't really stick to just one pairing at a time like I used to. I still love my classic pairings, but now I have multiple fandoms with multiple pairings that I follow. Basically, thanks to the increasing tightness of my Slash Goggles, I can pretty much see the slash in anything I want, with the evidence to back it up as well.

Ok, so basically, that's my story. I'll get more into the use of Slash Goggles and how to use them properly in my next segment. But until then...

I'll Catch you on the Flip Side!



Anonymous said...

there was an ongoing war between those who shipped Jack and Kate (or "Jaters") and those who preferred Kate and Sawyer ("Skaters").

AHAHAH Oh Sonny. Remember the days. PS. I love your banner but Holmes/Watson deff should be there =p

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